Thursday, January 3, 2008

Doing Business Online- what will be the advantages to the current and future family scenarios

The world now is suffering from the inbalanced of roles for men and women in the society. There are many reasons to this issue: physically, spiritually and mentally women are created by God to coach, guide and nurture the children. It seems that nowadays, the roles are now transferred to the foreign nannies who are mostly uneducated and some of the kids are left with the nurseries to take care of them. Where are the future leaders......being taken care by someone else not their own mothers who are educated , who are supposed to be with the kids. Where are the fathers and husbands? Most of them are spending in an average of 12 to 15 hours each day outside the house, busy taking care of the office staff and business matters. Why are both parents spend many hours outside the house? Lifestyle, corporate life, want to be seen busy, want to earn more $$$$, go for bigger houses and bigger cars, want to feel important and many other reasons. But, what will be the implications? Kids are left unguided and exposed with all kinds of unhealthy habits, behaviours and influences. One of the solutions: Mothers who want to have careers and $$$, also want to spend time with their children at home have to think of a solution to do business or practise their skills/expertise on line. In that way, at the same time they can spend more time with the kids and will be part of the growing process....................For the fathers, please have some ownership in taking care of the kids and be proud to be part of the growing process of the children. They are equally important in raising up the children. It works both ways to make things happened.

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